Monday 9 April 2007

Burda mag top

I was determined to make something from a Burda magazine. I borrow them by the truckload from my local library and trace out the patterns, but hadn't made anything yet. So I started with this top for Louisa:

The jersey for the top part seems quite delicate and I'm not sure how well it will wash. There are also a few little flaws here and there, but overall I think it's a lovely top. I'm especially pleased with the bottom flounce (made with left over shirred cotton from a skirt I made for Louisa). I'd never finished a hem like this: folding it under, using my buttonhole stitch and trimming away the excess fabric. I wish I'd used it on the original skirt!

I finally got a picture of it when we took Jake (who's visiting for the school hols) to the park to kick the footy with his Dad. The girls found a huge puddle to play in and ended up soaking wet.


  1. The top looks great Suz, and so does the pini! We are off to the library in the morning, I will have to check out the Burda Mags. I need some winter inspiration.

  2. oh that top is sooo pretty! perfect for your little girl!
    i hope it didn't get too dirty!


  3. That is such a pretty top! I love the addition of the flounce, it really sets it off. Think I might have to go look at some Burda magazines too ;)
