Thursday 19 April 2007

Very dodgy kimono jacket

This is one of those times when my inexperience shows. Just not a good job here. I had quite a lot of trouble making my bias binding from this floral fabric. It started with my wonky cutting and then it was all downhill.
The worst is probably on Lizzie's right shoulder as you can see in this picture. I just couldn't get it to stay folded under, and then maybe got lazy and careless as I thought it was a lost cause anyway.
So back to the drawing board. I'll put this one in the 'look at later' box with every intention of unpicking the binding and redoing with some new binding at a later stage. There's actually nothing wrong with the rest of the jacket, but the jacket itself is also the wrong size. So I intend on having a go at the same pattern, but using bought binding this time to restore my confidence.


  1. Suz I know how you feel I am hopeless at binding to.

  2. Don't you just hate that. I tried to draft a top just like this last year and it was a complete nightmare also. My bias binding didn't work.
    Good luck for the next one!

  3. I cheat....I get my mum to come and do all my binding.....she doesn't think she's much good but I think she's great!!!! I just give her coffee and afternoon tea and she tells me what a lovely afternoon she's had.....shame you're not in sydney and I'd rent her out!

    i think it looks so cute anyways and it makes a good home outfit!

  4. Maybe by putting it away for a little while, you will be fresh and ready to do the project (and get the binding to work). I love the colour as well.

  5. It does look lovely still though! Maybe some time away will be good so you can work on it with some fresh eyes!

  6. Suz, it still looks great! Your a lot braveer than me for trying this pattern too! :)
