Wednesday 23 May 2007

Kindy Dress Up Day! Then and now.

Today is 'P' day at Louisa's kindy, so she is very happy to be going dressed as a princess. We almost had to give up and put her in her Tinkerbelle pixie costume as I was a little bit stressed about getting it completed. A busy weekend away, parents visiting, and my dear husband deciding to take a day off (!!) meant that I was still stitching on sequins last night. I'm very happy with it apart from the collar section, but hopefully the other children won't be looking too closely. Here's a smiling Louisa photo (I originally posted the serious one instead of the smiling one by accident) And on the subject of kindy dress ups, here's me as Holly Hobbie in about 1975 at my kindy dress up. Three of us even managed to get our picture in the local paper, but geez, you think they could have chosen a smiling child - very serious, I was!


Leah said...

Oh Suz! I cannot believe you made that! It's BEAUTIFUL. I'll have to hide your blog from Jaynie because if she spies that I'm a goner.....

Corrie said...

oh that is so cute! like mother like daughter! you both look so serious but both are SERIOUSLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

That dress is lovely! Far nicer than any shop brought ones I have seen. It helps that you have such a cute model too!

tigerfilly said...

Wow, she looks very regal and princessish, and definitely smilier that her Mum did in the photo LOL

Anonymous said...

AWwww, I don't know who is cuter, you or Louisa. Great work on the princess dress. I love the sleeves.