Wednesday 31 October 2007

My baby's in a big girl's bed!

The time had to come eventually I guess. I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

Putting Elizabeth down of an evening is actually much easier now she's in with big sister. We used to read stories in Louisa's room, and then go into Lizzie's room for round two. Now she'll draw and chat with big sis before calling mum in for a final breastfeed for the day. We've temporarily got a swag mattress on either side of the bed to avoid nasty bumps. So far she's only fallen of bed once. She called out, I went to see what was the matter and she'd fallen back to sleep curled up on the floor. She hardly woke when I put her back in bed. That was over a week ago now and no falls since.

I just realised since I uploaded the photo that I haven't blogged the quilt I made for Louisa. That's partly because it's still not technically finished. I still have some sewing to do, and manage another row every now and then.

I am so very pleased with it, not because it's a great work of quilting (far from that) but because it is much loved by it's recipient. Louisa loves it, and it is often dragged downstairs to snuggle up in while watching TV, or as part of one of her games. It has been a mermaid tail, a river and, of course, a picnic blanket for her soft toys. She loves the colours in it, and has added red to pink and purple as her favourite colours. I really love how it looks in her room too. So it definitely is a success despite a bit of wonky stitching here and there.

Elizabeth's other great 'growing up' thing is her drawing ability. All of a sudden her scribbles have become faces complete with eyebrows, round open mouths - and in most cases a mermaid's tail! Don't tell anyone, but she's a far better drawer than her sister at the same age, and actually isn't far off Louisa's basic drawings. I'll have to scan some to show off.


  1. Oh Suz, how exciting for you - sad in one way but exciting in another!
    Louisa's quilt looks lovely - the colours are great - you'll have to give us a closer look.

  2. Awww, big girls bed.. I'm not ready for that just yet and my 'baby' is nearly 3! I absolutely LOVE the quilt you've made. The colours are gorgeous together. The girls room looks great :)

  3. Love the quilt - gorgeous colours, no wonder it is such a big hit with Louisa. And how exciting Lizzie is now in a bed ... and drawing so well - I can't wait for Miss Grace to be drawing objects rather than scribble.

  4. Now THAT is a big girls' room! It looks wonderful Suz. As for drawing, Cammie's still at the doing circles and saying it's a truck stage!

  5. Oh Suz I love the quilt, the colours are just lovely! And how nice for your girls to share a room, one of my favourite, and probably one of my worst childhood memories is sharing a room with my big sis!
    I know what you mean about the drawing, Ellyse has just started adding facial features too, its exciting isn't it? Well done Lizzie!

  6. Isn't it wonderful when something you have made is so well loved!

  7. The quilt looks lovely Suz, great job! I'm not brave enough to put my girls in the same room yet!
