Friday 30 November 2007

Santa photo

Well, a much better result this year than last year - when I had to be in the Santa photo too! This year, both girls had a great chat to Santa. When he asked them what they'd like for Christmas, they were both speechless, so he offered to bring them a special surprise. A very lovely Santa.

We finished off by doing craft at the shopping centre, having a play in the playground and eating a yummy chocolate muffin each. What a great morning!


  1. That is just adorable Suz, it bought a smile to my face. The expressions on both the girl's faces is just priceless.
    Lovely outfits too!

  2. Gorgeous photo - they look so happy and excited.

  3. They both look so happy to have their photo taken with Santa. Very cute!

  4. oh they look so cute! I wish Keira would post like that! yes mummy was in the photo and not wearing a skirt or with her done nicely...not my ideal santa shot!

  5. This is a great santa pic! I can only hope we get one half as good this year. I normally make dh go in them as I hate being photgraphed at the best of times, let alone with santa!
    I'm glad you had such a lovely day.

  6. What a gorgeous photo of the two of them Suz. We went and saw Santa on the weekend - and Miss A was happy to point at him and talk to him from a distance but the closest we got was 1metre away! Oh well - I guess there is always next year!

  7. Gorgeous! What a fabulous shot Suz - and the girls' outfits look great.
