Monday 14 January 2008

Happy New Year (yeah, yeah, I know the month's half over)

I've had a super relaxing few weeks, after all the drama of pre-Christmas excitement. I very much appreciated the chance to do not very much at all. Even the weather cooperated, with rain, rain and more drizzle, so that my action man husband also had to put any outdoors adventures on hold and just let us all relax.

My first try at hosting Christmas was a success, even the turkey was lovely. My family (Mum, Dad and two sisters) joined us from Gippsland, Victoria and Canberra, and even braved the early morning present opening. The girls were very spoiled by everyone. Here's the Christmas morning mess:

The bubble machine from big brother Jake was a huge hit:
I love the way Lizzie blows bubbles. Her whole body moves - so cute!
Jake joined us for part of the holidays, and was quite surprised the weather was cooler here than home in Melbourne. He still managed to get into the pool most days.We took a quick trip to Melbourne to catch up with Peter's parents. We managed to solve the mystery of the Farifield dog for Jake. For years he's been telling everyone the dog moves its tail, and noone would believe him. We now have video evidence for him.
We stayed at a friend's apartment in Port Melbourne. Boy has that area changed since we've been in Queensland!


Cass said...

Lovely pics Suz

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely Christams season for you all.
And boy oh boy, look at that flip into the pool!

Kylie said...

Glad to hear that your Christmas Lunch was a hit! Love the pics - Is that DSS doing somersault into the pool! Oh the joys of big brothers hey!