Monday 28 September 2009

A pretty spring dress

We decided that Louisa needed a new dress. She quickly chose some fabric from my stash, but then I realised that most of the patterns I own are not going to fit her anymore. She's moving into a size 7, and while I've got lots of patterns up to size 4 and a few to size 6, tha's about it - save for some very daggy old patterns I've inherited (think 80s oversized numbers) and one dress up pattern.

So I managed to modify the dress up pattern, using the top section and changing the skirt section to come up with this peasant dress. There are some changes I would make if I made it again, but I still quite like it, and Louisa loves it.


  1. Very clever Suz, I just love the fabric. Louisa is looking so grown up and so very pretty!

  2. Cute - I think that I might have a size 8 - in my stash - will have a look and will give it to you when I get to Brisbane:)

  3. Suz - thought that I would pop back in here as dont have your email addy. The dog in the pics is an English Springer Spaniel. They are lovely but very active. Dont require too much exersice - they just need to be worked. The one in the pics is ours. You could come for a play date next month and have a play if you would like - she is actually from the gun dog line and is trained:)

  4. What a pretty dress! Great idea on modifying the pattern,

  5. That's a very pretty dress, on a very pretty model :)
