Sunday 13 March 2011

Gardening weekend

Yes, the insects are attacking my garden, but at least the pretty gardenia still offers a few last flowers for the summer.

I've been doing lots of work on the garden this weekend. I've been removing the orangey pebbles from around our front garden, and replacing some of the plants, cutting back the yukkas quite dramatically, and putting down sugarcane mulch. It's the most neglected part of our garden, just in front of our garage, so I only really drive past it, and it's not until I had visitors that I realised how bad it's looking.

Pebbles are, quite frankly, a stupid idea in the subtropical garden as they always end up full of weeds, and it's been such a frustrating time trying to keep them at bay with all the rain we've been having.

I know some might think it's ridiculous to put sugarcane mulch out on show in the front of the garden, but I'm crazy like that. I've found it so fantastic in other areas of the garden. It keeps the weeds at bay really well. I'm essentially a lazy gardener. So I like to 'set and forget', with just an annual bit of maintenance. Thankfully the sugarcane mulch fades in colour to a more natual grey and it's almost unnoticeable.

Here's the first section complete, another section to go.

Here's some pics from the backyyard where I'm persisting with pebbles around the pool area, with long term plans to extend our deck, so we don't want to do anything too drastic or costly. The weeds are still an issue, especially the dreaded nutgrass, but at least in one small area, it's not so bad.

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