Thursday 25 January 2007

The 'disco' dress - & bought clothes!!

My bargain hunting streak is showing through again. I could say I was after a retro '70 style look for Louisa, but honestly, I'd bought some fabric for $3 and had to then think of what to make with it. So it became this shirred dress. Louisa loves it because it's red and sparkly, and I like it because it's cool for hot days and cost next to nothing. I'm not quite sure if it will get a run in public, or only at home. It's very different from most of the 'little girls' clothes I seem to make!

I went shopping this morning with the girls. We'd had a few days at home, most activities still not started up yet and it's been too hot for the park or bike riding. We were going a little stir crazy, so to the shopping centre we went. It's quite a small centre at the moment, but it won't be for long. There's a flurry of building activity and it looks like it's doubling in size! So I guess that means more shoppers in the future, unfortunately.

Anyway, I know that the fashion police may not approve, but I bought some cheap and cheerful tops for the girls. The Hula top was only $5.51 at Target, the other two were $7 at Best n Less. I love those prices! So although I haven't bought any clothes for the girls since I started sewing, I couldn't resist.

I'm still working on a blouse - a few dramas with buttonholes and collars. It's to be expected for my first time, I guess. I better get back to it.

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