Tuesday 23 January 2007

My fabric stash

Everyone talks about their 'fabric stash', and going through the plastic tub that holds my sewing stuff, I realise I now have one. I thought I may as well catalogue it all, if only to get it clear in my own mind what I'll use it for:

Top left: a navy satin, and a Hello Kitty flannelette, both destined to become PJs eventually, and both bought on clearance at Spotlight.

Top Middle: my latest purchases at SL, the first too are quilting cottons, then some pink and red poplin and pink drill. The first one (which was half price!) is very pretty, not sure what I'll use that for. The ladybug one is going in the 'when I get brave enought to start a quilt for Louisa' pile. The others - maybe some pants?

Top Right: Mum has given up on sewing long ago (she was never really very keen), and this is some fabric she had lying around. It's not really my style and I have no idea what to use it for. Any ideas?

Middle left: Another quilting cotton bought on clearance, but I'm considering a dress or skirt for myself

Middle middle: Some purple cord(again from Mum), and two lots of drill. I'm considering some pinafore dresses for Elizabeth when the weather cools down, and as well as pants for both of the girls.

Middle right: Stretch knit - maybe pants and shorts for the girls

Bottom left: Just a close up of the Hello Kitty - so cute!
Bottom middle: Two summery cottons that I'll probably do something with eventually, but I'm a bit 'over them' for some reason.

Bottom right: Gingham! My grandma used to make these funny crossstitch apron things (I'll try to dig one up for a photo) They raised a lot of money sold on stalls for her two favourite charities: Guide Dogs for the Blind, and the local old people's home. So some has come from that, and some bought on clearance.

So there you go, that should keep me busy. I'm going to try and avoid buying more fabric until most of this is used, but I'm hopeless when I see 'clearance', 'sale' , 'bargain' etc.
On the sewing front, here's Louisa's plain white skirt. Not too exciting, but it will go with pretty much everything, and I may add some trim later. But for now, it'll do. It's made with a shirred cotton, which pretty much gathered itself, and my third time I've made the skirt so I found it easy, even french seams everywhere.


  1. I am exactly the same when I see those words too!

  2. I really like the white skirt & the cord with the flowers is just too cute!

  3. Suz, love the skirt. Great idea to do white, I am finding everything I am doing is patterned and then they don't go together. Denim is another great one to mix with anything. Great stash of fabric

  4. Great stash Suz! I predict you'll have twice as much fabric this time next month! LOL
