Saturday 28 July 2007

Lots to do and a little done.

It's not often that I get to shop on my own. When the girls are with me, visits to Spotlight and Lincraft are 'dash in, get what we need and leave' before they dismantle the button displays or wander off lured by some sparkly ribbon. So last weekend, I left them home with Dad and managed to buy up big. Most of the fabrics were on clearance so not as big a dent in the bank balance as it appears.

I'll need to make the pretty butterfly cord into some dresses pretty quickly before the weather starts to heat up too much. The pink flower and ladybird fabric is destined to become a very simple quilt for Lizzie's doll cradle she's getting for her birthday next week. The spotty fabric is to finish off the top below. The red circle fabric I think will be a twirly skirt for Louisa for summer, with maybe a skirt for Lizzie too if there's enough left over. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the strawberrries and the colourful butterflies, but they were on clearance and I was therefore compelled to buy them. The black paisley will be another attempt at the tunic top - in the right size this time!
I have thankfully finished one present - this bunting will go to a little mums' group friend who just turned one. Only another 5 presents to make before the end of August!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it just bliss to go to SL by yourself??! Looks like a good shop Suz!
