Monday 6 August 2007

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!

Here's the lovely birthday girl, quite impressed that her bikkie is now a 'moon'. She's quite taken with the moon and the stars that she looks at most nights after dinner with Dad. So much so that when her 2nd birthday was approaching and I saw this moon shaped cake, I knew it would be perfect.
To counter her very plastic, commercialised Fisher Price Little People parking garage, we also gave her this (photographed here before the second coat of white gloss). I found this at St Vinnies, looking tired and unloved in cacky pink and blue paint. I also made I think what's called a cheater's quilt? Well, all I did was sew the fabric together with some pink gingham for the back, and the wadding, turned it the right way around and voila! It's hard to see in this picture but I then just sewed along the lines in the pattern. Too easy!
And just so it's not all about the birthday girl, here's her very lovely older sister.


  1. Happy 2nd birthday Elizabeth!

  2. Happy Birthday Elizabeth! I hope you likes all your pressies xx

  3. Happy Birthday Elizabeth - little smiley girl! Hope you had a LOVELY day.

  4. Happy birthday to Elizabeth! The cradle and quilt both look lovely - the cake is very cute too.

  5. Happy 2nd Birthday Elizabeth! Looks like she had a lovely day! The cake and cradle both look fantastic!
