I've always loved blue and white, even if that is a bit predictable when it comes to kitchen ware. I have a little collection on display with bits and pieces from all over the place. Bits of Spode I've picked up in DJ's sales, minature tea pots, Wedgewood cups with no saucers and a tea pot without a lid. The latter I picked up from a funny little junk shop I loved when teaching in country SA years ago - the OKMart at Cobdogla. I wonder if it's still there. Anyone know?
Anyway, I found a set that, while thankfully not in the price range of Spode Blue Italian that I love, is pretty, and blue and white - and has birds on it. Oh, and proper tea cups. Our last set had straight cylinder shape cups which I never liked. Never liked the whole thing really, but I won it in a magazine giveaway and put up with it for over a decade. I'm very happy to be passing it on.